Saturday, 24 December 2011


syukur....alhamdulillah!for the last, i finished created my blog!! this blog is one of my assingmnet for subject technology in chemistry...thanks a lot to my lecturer, puan asmayati for teaching and introduced me in the world-blog creation!! without this task, im quite sure that i will never know this world by my-self. Also my frenz,for sharing an idea and skills together in order to complete this blog!! what i want to say, this is one of my miracles!!ahah..hope you will ejoys surfing my site!!

~kimia is easy, and to0 easy~


siape dapat menyangke, ak sebenarnyer mndapat pendidikan awal ketika berusia 6 tahun di sebuah pasti berdekatan dengan rumahku...sebab tu bila kawan2 ak bersembang berkenaan tadika kemas, permata or watever..ak hanyer mendiamkan diri...coz i just know what the "pasti" is...hahaha..korang nak tahu..ak dapat no.3 tau!!syiokk habis..dapt hadiah besar!!!
cube teke ak yang mana???
tahun 1998-lepas ak grad pasti..ak dapat tawaran sambung ke sekolah rendah kebangsaan tawaran paper lar plak an!!ak duk situ sampai hbis UPSR..
selalu kene rotan xsiap kerje skolah...and yang pasti,rambut ak sebijik cam kartun tue...budak skima lah katekan!!!!dsebabkan rambut camtu..ak slalu dapat anugrah pelajar contoh!!haahahahahha..lawak2!!

tahun 2006-time ni the moment plg d'best sepanjang career ku...guess what???ak dapat PMR 9A!! ak bahagia bukan sebab aper...bukan sebab nak tnjuk kat saper2...cuma yang membahagiakan ak ialah air mata lelaki seorang bergelar ayah menitis tatkala ak berjaya dapat result ni!!xde lain yang ak mintak...ak bersyukur sangat sebab dapat bagi diyer rase nikmat kejayaan anaknyer sebeblum diyer menghembuskan nafas terakhir pada tahun 2008(trial SPM)...kalau korang ase sedih..sedekah lah al-fatihah ntuk rohnyer ea....ak dapat tawaran sekolah SBP-KISAS tax pergi...entahlah..smpai skrang ak pun xtahu tu tindakan yang betul atau x!!ahaha

tahun 2009-i further my study as the matric student!!ak berjaya masuk Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan(KMNS)...and this is the best school ever i had in my life!!!ak bahagia n sangat teruja belajar kat sini...dan dimatrik lah..ak dapat kesedaran untuk menjadi seorang pendidik!!tahu x kenaper?? sebab ak nak ubah sistem pengajaran guru sekarang...ak xkater semua,,tapi ak geram kat setengah guru yang bersikap 'choose' student!!ak suke cikgu kat sini,sebab walau bodoh camner pun student tu, dyeorang tetap bimbing sampai berjaya...dan salah seorang student 'bodoh' tu adalah ak...sebab???ak dulu kosong n xminat langsung ilmu kimia!!but i fall in love with chemistry since cikgu ak dengan penuh keikhlasan ajar ak satu satu!!so ak tekad, untuk ak tolong adik2 ak plak,,nak tunjuk,ajar dyeorang satu2 cam cikgu ak ajar ak!!kadang2, kita bukan malas nak buat,,cuma kita xtahu wheres to start!!dan biler kiter dah tahu camner nak mula...kita xkan depends pada orang lagi!!!...cikgu matrik akan ak kenang sampai ke mati...

tahun 2010- yeahhh!!ak dapat masuk UPSI!!ak harap cita-citaku untuk mendidik anak bangsa akan berjayer.....seikhlas hati...bukan wang ringgit yang ak nilai..tapi kepuasan yang ak inginkan ialah apabila bila anak didik berjayer,,,dan kitalah sebagai salah satu peunca kejayaan mereka...INSYAALLAH,,sampai mati mereka akan kenang kiter,...itulah kepuasan hakiki buat diriku...

yeahhh!!!gradd dah...:)
~kimia is easy, and to0 easy~


Smart Board is design to give more interactive teaching and Learning. It also can be said as a Whiteboard which can perform dry-erase whiteboard writing surface which can capture writing electronically. The required to perform this is computer where the Smart Board is connected via USB cable and also need a projector to project computer image. Smartboard but not only use in classroom but also in office.

How Smartboard functions:
Detecting notes written on the whiteboard surface using dry-erase ink or control the image that have been generate (click and drag).

How Smartboard help in classroom:
i) Deliver curriculum in more interesting and and interactive way which can grab students attention.
ii) Enhance the instructional process
iii) Engage different students learning style
iv) Motivate the students a appropriate distance
v) Increase deliver quality (combination of image generate by computer and traditional method- writing on board)

Limitation on using Smartboard:
i) expensive - not all school have ability to buy
ii) Difficult to use at the beginning - need to set up the gadjet(computer, projector, and Smart Board)
iii) Difficult to install and management
iv) Need appropriate practice from expert
~kimia is easy, and to0 easy~

Wednesday, 21 December 2011


Screen Capture Monitor

Untuk memudahkan kita untuk menangkap gambar apa yang ada di skrin monitor kita (selain dari camstudio), anda hanya perlu menekan keyboard 'prt sc' .

Selepas menekan key tersebut , anda perlu membuka Microsoft Paint ( start -> all programs -> accessories -> paint ) dan kemudian paste sahaja di dalam Microsoft Paint.

Kemudian anda perlu save sebagai JPEG untuk dijadikan gambar berformat JPEG


~kimia is easy, and to0 easy~

Tuesday, 20 December 2011


Substance appears colours due to the ability to absorbs light fall on it..
the absorption of visible wavelengths always involves promotion of electron from one energy level to another  fairly close level. however, to explaint the factor of making the compund colour is absolutely related to the ligand. ligand is the molecules or ions that "attached" to the metal ion. The effect of the ligands is to split the d-level into two or more energy levels.

For more explore about this concepts, explore this website:
~kimia is easy, and to0 easy~


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